Saturday, September 4, 2010

update Our ISTIGFAR yuukk..!!

Cant tell why.. But Its uncomfortable moment.....

rudeness..Impolite n Emotion... Although Now is The Glory Ramadhan...

 Lets Update Our Istigfar...
angry = fire = syetan... would u like become syetan..???

We got best experience today... How important Formal Permission...

we learn about Respect Each Other N  Obligation....

and also about How we are... HUMAN....!!!


Aulawi Ahmad said...

i don't understand the picture conection with ur article :)

atanotonogoro said...

itu maksudnya apa ya? istigfar karna terjadi kekacauan dimana-mana? ato istigfar karna barang pada rusak? :O

ayhez Syamsuri Wahyu said...

ehhee..sorry pada bingung yakss..

ehmm its about bad day @mine.. slh faham berbuah anarkis hehehe.. akibatx u can see the picture.. ancurr semua.. Yupsss andai z ramadhan ga cuman utk nahan lapar n haus... v juga emosi.. Its Way we need update our istigfar...